Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mr 18 Miler You Can Kiss My.....

I owned you today. I am so happy about my long run this morning. Turns out it was actually just over 18.5 but who is counting. I AM.

The weather was a little cooler and less humidity it seems. So that gives me a little relief that come race day it should be a little different than the conditions I have been training in.

I have been reading a lot on nutrition. Do's, dont's and the experimental suggestions.

This morning I got up around 4 a.m. and decided to drink an Ensure for my pre-run meal. I do love the taste of the Homemade Vanilla Ensure. Now before you start with the AARP jokes and the old man comments, Ensure is suggested in some of the articles and it is Doctor #1 recommended. And as far as an old man, I am only in my 40's. Well even though the Ensure has no fiber, at mile 3 my body was not told this. I shall save you the details on that event.

Today I drank plenty of fluids. I did not mix my Accelerade with GU like an article suggested. I alternated Accelerade alone and then GU with water. This worked like a charm today.

I got to mile 10ish and still felt pretty good compared to last week. I began to smile a little. Seems a little dorky but I need that long run mental boost. I also walked at the water breaks but just to get water. My last three miles were at a low to mid 8:oo minute pace. I was so damned surprised. I kept doing the math in my head just to make sure it was the right distance. 7+6.7+5=18.7. I also ran without an ipod.

And as far as songs playing in my head. All kinds of thoughts were going through my mind. Some were songs, jingles, poems, odes, final credits and movie scenes.

Next week is a 20 miler. Well all I can say is......

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