Thursday, March 1, 2012

I'm Baaaaack...Did You Miss Me?

I decided to take the month of February off. And to top it off, there was an extra day thrown in there this year. I had to recover from January. I had to do some mending and I also had a big case of writer's block. Not that I didn't have lots to say. I always have plenty to say. I just couldn't put it on paper.

Well as the title says, I am baaaaack. My aches and pains in the knee have seemed to disappear. I thought for a while there I was going to have to get an MRI. I just backed off my running and added swimming and biking instead of the co-pay. Seems I was having more aches and pains when I was just running. I have gone a week of 30+ miles running with no pains. Well I also bought new shoes which helped. I started swimming with a masters group which really pushes my ass. It's one thing to swim back and forth at your own leisure but another to keep from having the pool closed because you couldn't get out of the pool before you threw up.

Swimming? Biking? Running? Sounds like I am training for a triathlon. Well as a matter of fact I am. Tis' the season. You true triathletes know what I am talking about and should be getting excited. I have a new strategy and focus this year which will be revealed at Escape from Ft Desoto. This will be my first race of the season. I will also use this race as a warm-up for St Anthony's. I am hoping to PR at St A's this year. It is within reach.

Sorry this was a short post. I could only put my fingers in up to the second knuckle. Just warming them up.


  1. Good luck at Escape! I am on the fence about St. A's. Where are you swimming, at the Y?

  2. Are you swimming with Scot's Master's group?

  3. @Casey...yes. The Campo one and the S. Tampa one.
    @Carolyn...yes. Only once a week though. Either Tues or Thurs. Big group.

  4. YAY!!!!!!! Here's to another great Tri season!!
