Saturday, December 1, 2012

Race To Panera Recap

Another edition of Recap 101...
This morning I decided I didn't want to run. Not sure if it was lack of desire or lingering injuries but either way I didn't feel like getting up to run. I still wanted to meet up at Panera though. I am not really training for any races. I have a few on tap but not training for them yet. What about Ragnar you say. I don't count Ragnar as a race. Plus, if I were to seriously train for Ragnar, I would put on too much weight with all the McDonald's, whiskey and spoons full of goodness I'd consume.
I figured since I am all eco-friendly and such I should just ride my bike to Panera. Shoot it is only three miles from my house. Can't be that hard. And then I started to doubt myself. Am I trained? Did I get enough rest? Did I eat enough carbs the night before? Will that six pack of Nati Lite lay heavy on my stomach? And most important of all, which bike would I use. Should I use my tri, road or mountain bike. Maybe dust off the Old Heater that lil' Timmy gave me back in 72'.
My nutrition this morning was sub par. I had two cups of black coffee and a cranberry bagel. I lightly toasted the bagel and added a small amount of butter on both sides because I like butter. And as with drinking coffee in the morning you know what happened next. Yep, I felt wide awake.
Now that I have completed my pre-race/ride ritual, I needed to figure out what I would wear. I didn't think I needed to wear a "kit". For those of you that are not road bike enthusiasts, a "kit" is a matching outfit you wear while riding a bike. When I say matching, I don't mean just colors. It also has to be stretchy, lots of advertisements and flashy. I decided I would just wear some cotton cargo shorts, a t-shirt and a pullover jacket. It was still a little chilly out.
Now to my bike decision. I went into the garage and then remembered that I had loaned Old Heater to Sullivan back in July and she hasn't returned it. Might as well use one of my mountain bikes. The one I chose hadn't been ridden since Ragnar. A Schwinn Moab with a silver/gray and red paint scheme. Added some air, dusted off the saddle and off I go.
I rode the most direct route to Panera. And when I say most direct route, I mean I rode through yards and over sidewalks and through the woods and yes you guessed it, passed Grandma's house on the way. I made it to Panera without any injuries.
Once I got there, I saw there were already some BRA runners gathered at tables along the south outdoor seating area. Others arrived shortly there after. I will not mention any names at this time because I forgot to bring the waivers. I will say that it was great to see Steve was back in town. He had been on a super secret mission for several months. Welcome back Sweaty. We all missed ya.
Now as with most Saturday mornings at Panera many things are discussed. And I mean many. I found out the word on the streets is that 70.3's are easier than marathons. There is an on-going poll of who may have a dungeon in their house. Spiders don't grow on trees. Why would a man wear band aids on his nipples while not wearing a shirt. Anyways, to find out more just show up on a Saturday after a BRA run.
I needed to refuel for my ride back so I got a peecan twist and a cherry cheese danish. A little money savings tip from me to you. When ordering at Panera, always ask for it to go. You are taxed, if at all, lower when it is to go. I ate my snacks/desserts/pastries and yapped for few minutes more. I didn't even drink fluids. Weird.
I then headed back home. I was almost exhausted. No not really. I did lather up a little more than usual while showering though.